Jezzards are pleased to announce the location of their new office

Following a very successful start to 2014, Jezzards are pleased to announce that they are moving to new, larger premises at 3 New Court, Station Road, Hampton, TW12 2AX. The new premises will offer clients easier access as well as being centrally located in Hampton Village. Ross Jezzard, Director for Jezzards, said: “2014 has been very exciting for us. Since we opened, we have been overwhelmed by the fantastic response from our clients, which has helped us to grow the brand to unprecedented levels.

As the departments have grown significantly, we have found the need to move to larger, more accessible premises to cope with local demand. Over the coming months we will be announcing some more exciting news including the opening of our second office, further new departments and new services for our clients”.

estate agentsestate agents hamptonNew Court Station Road Hampton


Following the introduction of Energy Performance Certificates on marketing material for properties being advertised to rent, the government has announced its intention to set minimum standards for the private rented sector at an EPC rating of E.

The new legislation is looking to be brought in during 2018 which will mean that no privately rented home should be rented to a tenant unless they have an energy performance rating of at least band E, removing some of the very worst and unhealthy housing from the rented market.

Zoe Leader, climate & energy specialist for WWF-UK said:

“The proposed minimum standard of band E for privately rented homes is an important precedent for improving the energy efficiency of our housing stock and most definitely a step in the right direction.

“However, it looks like landlords will not actually be required to improve their properties if they fail to meet the minimum standard unless improvements can be funded by the Green Deal or ECO. Given ongoing uncertainties around these policies, there is a high probability that these proposals will amount to blanket exemption for a significant number of landlords.

“The Government must address these loopholes to ensure landlords are held responsible for the energy efficiency of the homes they profit from.”

landlords propertyprivate rented propertyprivately rented home

Jezzards are pleased to announce the launch of their new online mortgage calculators

Jezzards are pleased to announce the launch of their new online mortgage calculators. Our mortgage calculators allow registered users of MyJezzards to get tailored quotes based on their individual circumstances. Simply use the new mortgage calculator tool to work out a personalised repayment schedule which then can be used to get a formal quote from IMC Financial Services.

Using our online mortgage calculators could not be easier. Simply complete the property price and the amount of deposit you have along with any rates you may have previously been offered and calculate the repayment schedule of both interest only and repayment mortgages.

If you are unsure of what you may be able to afford or what a mortgage lender is likely to offer you as an individual, then you can use our calculators to work out the maximum you are likely to be offered. If you are tempted by the amounts suggested, then you can request a tailored quote based upon your individual circumstances online.

Tempting headline rates prominently displayed in lenders’ adverts are often accompanied by hidden costs or extended tie-ins that are easily overlooked in the eagerness to snap up a ‘bargain’.  In a hugely changing market, taking independent, unbiased, tailor-made advice suited to your personal circumstances, can steer you round these potential pitfalls and can even find you specialist or exclusive rates that are not available when dealing directly with lenders.

Try our new online mortgage calculators free by visiting and once you have worked out a bespoke repayment plan that suits you, request a quote online free based upon your personal individual circumstances.

calculate property pricemortgage calculatorsonline mortgage calculators

Why use an Independent Estate Agent

When speaking to new clients one of the questions we are often asked is ‘what stands us apart from all of the other estate agents in Town?’ The answer is many things, but in particular it is our Independence.

As independent estate agents we experience daily what it is to be free of the constraints of corporate governance, number crunching, form filling and management reports. The only people we have to answer to are the most important of all – our clients!
Being independent means that we can adapt to changes in the market immediately and advise our clients the best course of action to take without having to run it past a committee beforehand. Most importantly speed of response is essential in these changing times.

Independence also means that the directors are personally involved in the business – after all, it’s our future and we make a point of ensuring that those values we cherish personally are instilled across the business as a whole.

Selling or renting your property is very much team work and we work in partnership with our clients to ensure that we arrive at the best result for them. None of this would be as easy if we were part of a corporate chain.

Most important of all is our people. They all feel part of a strong and committed team where their individual strengths are immediately appreciated and rewarded. Their great team spirit and professionalism combine with a sense of fun, enabling them to focus on helping people move allowing us to provide an enjoyable and efficient service to our clients, of which I am very proud.

So for truly independent service why not call us for a chat about your property needs today?

estate agentsindependent estate agentsSelling or renting your property

Home buyers stamp duty bill up £900 million over the last year

The average home mover now spends £11,800 on stamp duty as they move up the housing ladder, says a new report from Lloyds Bank, which estimates that the annual stamp duty bill in England and Wales has leapt by £900 million to £5.6 billion in the last year.

On the basis that on average homeowners stay in their homes for just under eight years  and take three steps on the housing ladder in their lifetime, the research indicates that the highest overall stamp duty costs are paid by people in London and the South East.

London home buyers pay more than three times as much as the rest of England and Wales (£38,000). In the South East the lifetime cost is £16,500, followed by the South West (£11,500) and the West Midlands (£10,000). The lowest stamp duty costs are in Wales which at £3,718 are a third of the UK average.

“Stamp duty bills continue to increase each year as house prices rise,” said Marc Page, Lloyds Bank mortgages director, at Lloyds Bank. “The average home mover now pays nearly £12,000 during their life as they make their way up the ladder. This just goes to show that unfortunately some dreams still come with a price tag so homeowners need to carefully consider total costs of moving.”

The proportion of home movers having to pay stamp duty has increased more than five times since 1998, when 17 per cent of buyers paid the duty compared to 83 per cent in 2014.

Meanwhile, the number of new property instructions rose last month by 6.3 per cent according to estate agent. In London the figure was 9.5 per cent.

He added that property prices were now ‘relatively steady’ and that the market was starting to self-correct.

New research from Equifax shows that nearly 40 per cent of homeowners will be older than they had originally planned by the time they eventually pay off their mortgage. It also shows that nearly a third of homeowners would be happy to cut back on general living expenses for at least six months to be able to afford the mortgage for their next home.

A quarter of homeowners think they will be aged around 65 before the mortgage is paid off, rising to one in three in Scotland.

Resource -  Independent

homebuyersHomemoverslondon hombuyersproperty instructions

Jezzards continue to lead the way on professional standards with the appointment of Ross Jezzard to the ARLA Divisional Board

It was a very exciting day for Jezzards Estate Agents on Friday 13th June as The Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) announced the newly formed ARLA Divisional Board members.

After an initial one year appointment last year on the ARLA board, Jezzards Director Ross Jezzard was asked to stand for a further 3 year term representing South London, Surrey and Sussex.

The Association of Residential Lettings Agents divisional board consists of 12 members from across the UK. The board members roles are to represent and be a conduit for ARLA members and the local regional representatives to the Divisional Board within their designated areas.

The board members are to attend meetings throughout the year where they are to make decisions on the strategy of ARLA which will benefits all its members and consumers.

Jezzards are extremely proud to have our own Director been asked to stand on the Divisional Board, we feel that this is showing Jezzards as a reputable Estate and Letting Agents where we can provide a knowledge and service that sometimes other agents cannot provide and which also will give ourlandlords and tenants greater piece of mind when using Jezzards.

Ross Jezzard, Director of Jezzards said: “I am extremely proud to have been invited on to the ARLA Divisional board for a further 3 year term. Following a successful year, last year where we introduced the new licensing scheme for lettings agents across the country, I am pleased to be able to continue to ensure that letting agents deal with clients fairly, honestly and transparently.

In what is becoming an increasingly complex process, ARLA qualified letting agents have the legislative knowledge and practical experience to ensure their landlords are up-to-date and comply with all the necessary legal requirements to let a property.  For tenants, using a licensed, agent is equally important, with increasing numbers of stories of tenants falling victim to ‘scams’ on private ad websites, as well as small, unlicensed agencies going bust – taking their tenants’ security deposits with them.

As a licensed agent, Jezzards continue to lead the way in demonstrating the highest of standards and my appointment to the ARLA Divisional Board continues to show our dedication to ensuring our clients can be sure that we will continue to lead from the front in honesty and transparency in our day to day dealings with them.”

ARLAARLA Divisional Boardestate agentsestate and letting agentsletting agents

How the second phase of the governments help to buy scheme, which only affects second hand properties

With real-estate prices soaring heights, investing in property seems to be a difficult task. But the government has recognized the difficulty that the public is facing and it is now coming up with initiatives to deal with this problem. According to the newly launched scheme of the government, those who do not have a large deposit can either purchase their own property or can move to a new home. The government’s mortgage guarantee scheme is expected to function from Monday.

According to the reports this is the second phase of the scheme which was in a lot of controversies. The mortgage guarantee scheme, aims to make property buying an easier task for first time buyers. With a deposit of 5%, the borrowers can invest in properties worth the sterling amount of up to 600,000 pounds. The government can provide up-to 15% of the loan to the lender allowing the borrower to have easy access to mortgage deals. The scheme which will operate from Monday and is going to be accessible to the public for three years upto January 2017.

It is a good opportunity for first-time buyers to be a part of a scheme launched by the government which makes buying their first property easier. But there are a lot of legal issues involved in the process. Therefore, it is advisable that the property seeker takes time out to go through all the legalities involved in the matter . He/She may also like to take the help of an independent body which gives mortgage related suggestions to individuals. Clearly, enough the pros and the cons involved in the matter vary from person to person. If they have clearly understood all the terms and conditions involved in the scheme and are still ready to be a part of it then it shouldn’t be a problem.

Customers can now contact Jezzards Estate Agents 24-hours a day by tweeting via @, emailing – or calling-

property agentsproperty for salesecond hand propertysell propertry

First Time Buyer Mortgages Increase 38% Compared to January 2013

Throughout 2014 we have noticed an unprecedented demand for properties from first time buyers in the area and this was confirmed by the data released by the Council of Mortgage Lenders on Thursday, which confirmed an increase of 38% year-on-year compared with January 2013.

The total number of loans for January 2014 reached 21,800 reaching a total value of £3.1bn, resulting in a year-on-year increase of 55% in comparison to January 2013.

The typical first-time buyer income multiple decreased, with first-time buyers typically borrowing 3.39 times their gross income in January, compared to 3.43 in December 2013. First-time buyers in January spent 19.3% of gross income to cover capital and interest payments, slightly higher than the 19.2% in December 2013 but down from 19.8% in January 2013. In addition, over 95% of first-time buyers opted for fixed rate mortgages in January.

It appears that the introduction of the Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme has started to have an impact on FTB deposit requirements. The average loan-to-value for first-time buyers was 82% in January, up from 80% seen in December 2013 and a year previous in January 2013.

Due to this increased demand, there is a shortage of good quality properties on the market to meet the unprecedented buyer demand. If you are considering a move now or in the near future, contact our team of property professionals for a free, no obligation, property valuation on hours a day, 7 days a week.

buy propertyproperty managementproperty valuation

Open House Events – How they can benefit both buyer and sellers

Since the launch of the Governments second phase of the Help to Buy Scheme, Jezzards have seen a record number of buyers registering for properties across South West London.
To meet the renewed demand from buyers across the region we have renewed the Open House event to ensure that buyers and sellers get the best opportunity. Unlike most Estate Agents, Jezzards have a slightly different concept to ensure that both buyers and sellers get the most out of the event.


High Quality Marketing
We understand that finding the right buyer for your property depends on the right people seeing it. That is why, for us, marketing is not a side issue – it’s at the heart of what we do. We market every property strategically, using professional photographs and floorplans in our advertising, both on and off line, via our own innovative website, a wide range of the major property portals as well as a selection of local press.
If a property is marketed at its very best, it will stand out to potential buyers, rather than being overlooked due to poor quality photographs doing the property an injustice.


Deciding The Best Time and Date For an Open House
Once the draft details have been approved by our clients, we will then agree a suitable date and time window for the Open House event. It is vital that local events are taken in to account that could clash with that date and of course other factors such as bank holidays and even school holidays need to be considered. At Jezzards we come up with a strategic plan to ensure that we can get the most out of the day.


The Open House Event
At Jezzards we recommend opening the property up for a two hour time slot window on a Saturday morning or early afternoon. This will ensure that as many people as possible will attend as they will be less likely to have work commitments. Typically, we open up the property for around two hours and invite buyers to come without the need for an appointment during this time. Depending on the size of the property, there will be at least two members of staff but more commonly more.


Benefits of an Open House Event
An Open House is one of the best ways of being fair to both buyers and sellers. By launching the property on to the market in this way, buyers all have exactly the same opportunity to see the property. Should a particular buyer want to come back when there are less people in the property, this can usually be accommodated, allowing the buyer more opportunity to inspect the property at their leisure.
There are also benefits for the seller. By allowing one specific day for viewings causes minimum disruption to the property and of course living at the property. It is also a good way to ensure that your agents has priced the property correctly.


Ross Jezzard, Managing Director of Jezzards, said: “The resurgence of property prices and buyer demand in many areas has reignited the opportunity of an Open House event. Throughout 2014, we have had good footfall from potential buyers and on every occasion this year so far, we have received multiple offers on the property resulting in sealed bids and final prices achieved being over asking price”.
“Due to the overwhelming demand for properties in the area, we are currently offering selling fees starting from 0.5% plus VAT for sole agency. If you would like to book a free no obligation valuation from our team of National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) Licenced team, please contact us 24 hours a day on or visit
estate agetns hamptonhouse for saleproperty for sale